PX3 Books

PX3 Books

The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (PX3) is a photography award that strives to promote appreciation of photography, discover emerging talent, and introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris.
The Paris Photography Prize was founded in 2007 and has since become one of the most prestigious photography awards in Europe.

Annual PX3 book No. 13 (2019)  + "State of the World" exhibition

Annual PX3 book No. 13 (2019) + "State of the World" exhibition

The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (P×3) strives to promote appreciation of photography, discov..


Annual PX3 book No. 14 (2020)  + "State of the World" exhibition

Annual PX3 book No. 14 (2020) + "State of the World" exhibition

The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (P×3) strives to promote appreciation of photography, discov..


Annual PX3 book No. 12 (2018)  + "State of the World" exhibition

Annual PX3 book No. 12 (2018) + "State of the World" exhibition

The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (P×3) strives to promote appreciation of photography, discover ..


Annual PX3 Book No. 11 (2017)

Annual PX3 Book No. 11 (2017)

Annual PX3 Book No. 11 (2017)..


 Annual PX3 Book No.  10 (2016)

Annual PX3 Book No. 10 (2016)

The "Prix De La Photographie, Paris" (PX3) strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to ..


Annual PX3 Book No. 09 (2015)

Annual PX3 Book No. 09 (2015)

Annual PX3 Book No. 09 (2015)    ..


Annual PX3 Book No. 08 (2014)

Annual PX3 Book No. 08 (2014)

Annual PX3 Book No. 08 (2014)    ..


Annual Px3 Book No. 07 (2013)

Annual Px3 Book No. 07 (2013)

Annual PX3 Book No. 07 (2013)    ..


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Annual Px3 Book No. 06 (2012)

Annual Px3 Book No. 06 (2012)

This book showcases the work of all first, second and third place winners of the 2012 awards in pr..


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Annual PX3 Book No. 04 (2010)

Annual PX3 Book No. 04 (2010)

Annual PX3 Book No. 04 (2010)..


Annual PX3 Book No. 05 (2011)

Annual PX3 Book No. 05 (2011)

Annual PX3 Book No. 05 (2011)    ..


Annual PX3 Book No. 03 (2009)

Annual PX3 Book No. 03 (2009)

Annual PX3 Book No. 03 2009's Annual Px3 Book showcases the work of all first, second,and third pl..


Annual PX3 Book No. 02 (2008)

Annual PX3 Book No. 02 (2008)

Annual PX3 Book No. 02 2008's Annual Px3 Book showcases the work of all first and second place wi..


Annual PX3 Book No. 01 (2007)

Annual PX3 Book No. 01 (2007)

Annual PX3 Book No. 01 2007's Annual Px3 Book showcases the work of all first and second place wi..




These 27 photographs were curated and exhibited in Los Angeles, Paris, and New York. ..


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Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)